Bio Energetics (BIE)

The best and most efficient healing modality is within our own bodies.

What is Bio Energetics?

BIE (BioEnergetics) is a Non-invasive, all natural modality that allows us to work on the software (control system) of the body to find the root causes of symptoms and correct them for optimal balance.

Our body is made up of electromagnetic fields, known as the “software”. Every substance in the universe vibrates with its own unique vibrational frequency referred to as an electromagnetic fingerprint or “signature”.
When exposed to a specific substance, the body will either recognize its signature or it won’t.

We are constantly being exposed to stressors (radiation, toxins, emotional, physical and physiological stress, etc), which causes the body to react to those stressors, causing imbalances.
We use BioFeedback Analysis to determine the root cause of symptoms, then we can re-introduce those frequencies back to the body so that it can recognize them and then the healing process begins.

You may have experienced some of the following stressor-related symptoms yourself.

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis or gout
  • Anxiety
  • Depression or moods
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Digestive disorders
  • Memory loss
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Phobias
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Acne, rash or skin conditions
  • Nightly urination
  • Restless sleep or insomnia
  • Bad breath or body odour
  • Weight gain
    And so much more…..

Curious if BIE is right for you?
Book a Discovery Call!